The Baltic Sea beaches, the Odra River basin, the picturesque Sudety Mountains, bustling metropolises – Wrocław, Poznań and Szczecin, and numerous historical towns determine the tourist attractiveness of Western Poland. By contrast, buoyant entrepreneurship, extensive motorway and railway networks, and the proximity of the German market make the west of Poland a perfect place for investors.
Destination: Western Poland
Western Poland comprises five voivodeships: the Lower Silesia, the Lubuskie, the Opole, the Wielkopolska and the Western Pomerania Voivodeships. It neighbours onto three German states: Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and Saxony, and onto the Czech Republic in the south. The economic and tourist potential of Western Poland is concentrated in the Odra River basin, where trade used to flourish, and which is a paradise for water sports enthusiasts today.
A great place to invest
Western Poland is also a chance for business development in one of the most dynamically developing EU countries. Investors are most of all interested in the relatively strong capital cities of the voivodeships, where they can find well-educated employees and good transport connections with Western Europe. For years now, the region’s development has been fuelled by the leading investment zones: the Kostrzyn-Słubice Special Economic Zone and the Legnica Special Economic Zone. The former is among the largest economic zones in Poland and it has been attracting increasing numbers of investors from abroad.
Research and Development
Moreover, Western Poland has an inexhaustible research potential based on strong higher education institutions. In Wrocław, there is the Wrocław Research Centre EIT+, which is the first Polish research and development organisation, provided with the most comprehensive infrastructure for innovation development in Europe, and with the state-of-the-art laboratory equipment.
Beaches, history and wellness
If you decide to visit Western Poland, you will soon appreciate the cultural, natural and spa assets of this region. Attention should be paid to the attractions distinguished by UNESCO: the Centennial Hall in Wrocław and the Churches of Peace in Jawor and Świdnica, as well as to outstanding works of wooden architecture. Forget for a moment about the map and let yourself get lost in one of the numerous historical towns, which will fascinate you with their monuments and ingenious and well-organised events. Solace for your body you will find in well-known health resorts – Lądek-Zdrój, Polanica-Zdrój, Międzyzdroje, Kołobrzeg and Połczyn-Zdrój.
Western Poland is opening its doors to tourists and investors – see it by yourself!