Doing business in Poland – apply for European funding

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Doing business in Poland? Apply for grants, loans or guarantees from European structural funds covering a significant part of the investment. European funds provide tens of millions of euros for entrepreneurs! Remember: the investment should be conform to the European and national development policy. Smart growth and smart or regional specialisations are important items in Poland when you are looking for support from European structural funds for the period 2014-2020. Verify if European grants are available for your business.

Doing business in Poland – invest in innovation

The Smart Development Programme (Program Inteligentny Rozwój) offers the best support for entrepreneurs investing in Poland in innovative products and services or who create Research and Development (R+D) centres. If you are interested in the development of your business, investment in innovative solutions or creating a R & D centre in Poland, you may reach for a million euros of grants. Poland received 8.6 milliard euro from the European Regional Development Fund to finance the Smart Development Programme. In comparison with the budget of the European Horizon 2020 programme (80 milliard euros) it’s not a big amount, but the undoubted advantage of this programme is that the money is focused on support for innovative businesses in Poland, mainly for SMEs.

Specializations within the Regional Operational Programmes

In addition, your business in Poland may count on financial support from 16 Regional Operational Programmes (ROP). Each region (province) created actions according two out of eleven thematic objectives of the EU cohesion policy :

  1. Increasing investment in scientific research, technological development and innovation
  2. Enhancing the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

Smart specialisations

Polish provinces want to encourage local and foreign businesses to invest in the most innovative branches of the regional economy in their province. All regions have designated smart specialisations. These are industries which are able to accelerate regional development. Therefore entrepreneurs whose projects fit the best into smart specialisations have a better access to grants and loans from European structural funds. Have a look at the European Smart Specialization Platform to read about the possibilities in Poland and the Polish provinces.
For the development of enterprises in these smart specialisations, Poland and the 16 provinces set aside nearly 15 billion of euros of EU funds.

Doing business in Poland, apply for European funding!

One thought on “Doing business in Poland – apply for European funding”

  1. Eric Verhulst

    I was recently made aware of the importance of the EU structural funds allocated to Poland.
    Altreonic is an technology focused SME who has developed the KURT modular and scalable vehicle platform. We are now entering the stage of first customers.
    In this context, we have been considering to set up activities in Eastern Europe.
    The idea is to create a Polish company with the objective to execute vehicle specific engineering developments, procure if competitive vehicle components (sheet metal and CNC machined) from local suppliers, assemble the vehicles for local sales and export. Marketing/sales is possible but assumes people who speak the customer’s language (WW). In all cases, we need a substantial part of the workforce, certainly the engineers, to be able to read, write and communicate in English.
    Hence, we want to come to a decision before the summer break (although I don’t take any real holiday this year). Hence I think a meeting is desirable. I am tentatively looking at coming to Poland second week of July. Besides the meetings, I want to visit some of the potential sites and suppliers.
    Meanwhile, could you provide more detailed information?
    The idea is to create a Polish company with the objective to execute vehicle specific engineering developments, procure if competitive vehicle components (sheet metal and CNC machined) from local suppliers, assemble the vehicles for local sales and export. Marketing/sales is possible but assumes people who speak the customer’s language (WW). In all cases, we need a substantial part of the workforce, certainly the engineers, to be able to read, write and communicate in English.
    As a last point, can you provide a list of customers and references I can contact?

    Best regards,
    Eric Verhulst

    From ——————————-
    Eric Verhulst
    eric.verhulst (@)
    Skype @ ericverhulstskype
    Mob.: +32 477 608 339
    From Deep Space To Deep Sea


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